Saturday, June 16, 2012

Symbol Theory

Our flag symbol is a great example of condensation. Condensation means the ability to represent many things at once, and our flag does just that. The flag which is in the shape of cat, at one end can represent our beliefs and customs that come along with our religion of Catalonia. The flag also has equal signs as the whiskers of the cat. This represents the strong value of our society of equality. But those aren't the only things our flag represents. It also refers to unity, freedom, honor, and the collective. Those are the most straight forward of representations drawn from the flag, but it can also represent more ambiguous things like everything we enjoy in our culture like fun, sports, or entertainment. These are all great representations, but maybe the most important of all is how it represents hope. When our citizens look at our flag they are inspired by our hope to create equality, but also to maintain it.

Our symbol of the leaves and flowers that make a peace sign expresses unification of disparate significata. The significata or the underlaying meanings of the symbol are interconnected by virtue of their common analogous qualities. Our subsistence symbol that is made up of flowers, leaves, and assorted plants all interconnecting together to form a unifying symbol. It represents in the broad form our subsistence of horticulture, but it also interconnects analogous meanings of the symbol itself. It interconnects vegetarianism, organic growing, the combination of plants to sustain a society, and the connection that each plant has to another. The interconnectedness of all these meanings is shown as how all the plants interconnect to each other to create one form. They connect together to create this unifying symbol, a circle,  that has no direct end. Which also represents the continuity of our society. With our subsistence we can sustain our society, and hope to always be able to sustain our population.

Our Catalonia symbol demonstrates the polarization of meaning a symbol can have. Polarization refers to a symbol having two distinct poles of meaning, the ideological pole and the sensory pole. When examining the ideological pole, which refers to components of the moral and social order, we see that our Catalonia symbol represents our morals of equality, being selfless, and understanding. It represents our basic social order of equality in our marriage, government, sexuality, and gender. When examining the sensory pole, which refers to components of physiological phenomena that provokes a societies' desires and emotions, we see that this symbol invokes the emotions of being together, faith, hope, and security. Catalonia gives us hope of belonging, and if deserving enough hope of a better life. The hope of a better life is represented in the pedals that are surrounding her, which refers to the many lives that Catalonia has to give.

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